The base of any website resides on the web hosting service that it uses. The quality of the web hosting service affects the fundamental structure of the entire website. Web hosting is the basic process through which your website reaches the audience. In order to attract a larger audience, the website needs to be accessible, easier to navigate and explore. The web hosting companies cater to these needs of ease and make a website more simple to use.
There is a direct correlation between the ease of access of a website and the number of users that use the site. A convenient website access means an increase in the number of visitors. Also, web hosting also provides storage for the website to save files and data. Therefore, it is important to select the right hosting service for your business or website.
If you are looking for a web hosting service that guarantees to give your website assurance for quality, then read our review of the topmost web hosting service 000webhost provided by Hostinger.
What can 000webhost do for you?
The web hosting company allows users to access and experience their services without any charges to test it out themselves. The company hosts the websites through:
- PHP (including power components such as Curl, GD2, Zend, XML, fopen, PHP sockets, loncube loader, htaccess, etc),
- MySQL,
- and Cpanel.
All that is required from the users is to create a free account to launch their websites without wasting precious time. The most admired quality of the web hosting service is that it is an ad-free host where users will not be bound to place adverts on their website. The company not only provides a free hosting service but it also continues to provide an uptime guarantee for the sites without any fees. To ensure that you receive a 99.9% uptime guarantee, the users can visit their status page.
This also includes access to the latest versions of MySQL and PHP protocols. However, it is important to note that these services are offered by the free of cost standard/basic packages. If the users wish to take advantage of the additional features, the users can choose discount packages and options to create their own preferred payment plans.
000webhost offers exclusive features free of cost to the users to enhance user experience and receive a quality experience.
- Auto-installer: The hosting service makes the process of installing the scripts easier for users. These scripts and tools can change the outlook of the website to improve it. At a minimum level, the installer allows users to install over 50 major scripts that include; WordPress, Joomla, OS Commerce etc. These scripts can enhance the productivity of the website and make it more competitive in the market.
- Website building: The hosting service provides users with the opportunity to build their websites for free with the 000webhost website builder, Zyro. The builder operates in three major steps and comes with pre-installed templates and designs. The users simply have to choose their design options, insert the content into segments and publish the website right away. (With an additional step the users can also create contact forms and galleries to make the websites more creative or give the sites a professional look). These websites are simple and easy to be used without the need for coding or specialized skills for operating. These websites are pre-designed with features;
- the websites are fast and save users time,
- includes more than 100+ templates,
- and more importantly, the sites include inbuilt SEO tools,
- convertible i.e. the websites are mobile friendly.
- Bandwidth limit: The free service also facilitates users in providing unlimited disk space and bandwidth (limit) for their accounts. The free service includes a storage limit of 10 GB or equivalent to 10,000 MBs for the sites. Additionally, the disk space can extend as much as to 1000 MBs.
- Domain hosting: The service also includes a coverage for hosting the domain name without any charges. (When using the free website builder from 000webhost, the domain and subdomain hosting services will be provided without any charges).
How can you earn through 000webhost?
Other than hosting, 000webhost brings a chance for the users to increase their earnings through additional sources as well.
By becoming an affiliate, all the users need to do is promote the services of the website to increase the number of users. Users need to sign-up for the affiliate program and become a member of the company. This will aid in the creation of a referral link for the promotion of the services of the company. Once a registered affiliate, all the users need to do is post links and ads of 000webhost on personal or any other website or webpage for visitors to sign up.
The affiliates will be paid once a visitor signs up and turn into a potential client. The promotional avenues are not just limited to the promotional links, but affiliates can turn to other sources as well. A more beneficial way to do this is to post CTR banners and ads on the sites to earn through the click rate.
There are 3 payment plans that can interest users for accessing additional web hosting services.
- Single web hosting is offered at $215 monthly with a discount of 46%. It includes 1 website, 10 GB Disk Space, 100 GB Bandwidth, 1 MySQL Database, 1 FTP User, 1 email account, website builder, control panel, a user-friendly access manager.
- Premium web hosting is offered at $349 monthly with a discount of 61%. It includes unlimited; Number of websites, SSD Disk Space, Bandwidth, MySQL Databases, FTP Users, Email Accounts, a Website builder, control Panel, User-Friendly Access Manager, 2X WordPress Optimized Speed, Free Domain Name (with annual plan).
- Business web hosting is offered at $795 monthly at a discount of 34%. It includes unlimited Number of websites, SSD Disk Space, Bandwidth, MySQL Databases, FTP Users, Email Accounts, a Website builder, control Panel, User-Friendly Access Manager, 4X WordPress Optimized Speed, Free Domain Name (with annual plan), Daily Backups, Deluxe Live Support, 2X Processing Power & Memory, Free SSL Certificate to secure customer data & increase SEO rankings.
Hostinger has been providing web hosting services and products for more than a decade and is ranked as one of the most efficient web hosters for supporting websites. The most important reason why 000webhost is at the top of its game is that it is free of cost. This means that there are no additional costs for using the service. The company claims that its free hosting service is equivalent in quality to the services that are paid for by the consumers.
in the title there is looking like free but it is not free