When it comes to social media marketing, there is so much potential to network with other like-minded people in your niche! From selling products and services, connecting with Facebook groups, and sharing your content online to increase traffic and brand yourself online. Searching Google for social media plugins can cause a major headache because of how many are out there. I used to think the Monarch Plugin was the best WordPress plugin out there but I stand corrected. The Social Warfare plugin has changed my mind and here is why I switched to this paid plugin.
Social Warfare Features
The features are what caught my eye and convinced me to purchase the plugin. Continue reading this blog post to know why I made the switch but am still keeping the Monarch side-bar widget.
Lot’s of good features to use and I have not used all of them yet! Let’s start with the Social Warfare plugin settings and images of what is currently enabled.
After you buy a 1-year License at only $29 a year for unlimited updates, you will be given a special number to add into the following registration page to active this plugin. The success page looks like this and I enabled an important option in this section.
Display Settings
Name speaks for itself, it’s for picking the social button’s shapes, enabling buttons…etc
Current Settings
This plugin really in an all-in-one solution for social media buttons.
- Also Check Out: Taste Of The Ultimate Email Opt-In Plugin
On the next screen, you can enabled the social buttons on certain area’s of the blog and truly customize it. Here is a sample:
Notice the Pinterest button on all the images? You can enabled that with a click of a mouse and customize the button. Make the size small like what I did so you can still see the picture when hovering over it. Example settings to enable:
Styles Settings
Enable certain styles to the button’s and special tweet in-post feature.
You can even customize the social count placement. Using the floating social bar on the left and the share buttons at the end of the blog post and page is the best settings to enable. Do search around WPOutcast and notice where we do not have the buttons enabled on. It is not wise to enable the buttons in ever single area of the blog.
Control the settings for the floating social bar that is right now showing on our pages. Easily customizable all the settings are for this plugin.
Social Identity
I am not sure what these settings actually do and there wasn’t much on there support page. Still, I think it’s important and added my information. Every little thing helps when editing a plugin. Always edit every feature.
Advanced Settings
These are the settings that I really like and they are important to this plugins success for your blog.
Very important to any blogger is this option below:
I just disabled the Share Recovery feature to post the above screenshot but have it enabled. This setting is important if you want users to know how many times a post has been shared. Let’s say you change your permalink structure, all your URL’s will be changed and without enabling this option to carry over your social share counts, everything will go back to zero social shares.
The caching option, the default option that was listed upon plugin activation, was not doing anything in regards to making my social share counts appear. I had to choose the legacy option and then cleared my cache (Comet Cache) for the social count shares to start appearing as I viewed each post. Any features not mentioned in this blog post are listed above in the initial features section.
This plugin is great! You should take Social Warfare for a 30-day trial to see if it’s better than your current plugin. I did the same thing and still using this plugin after a year.
Bonus Feature
Navigate to your Widgets section under your appearance tab and enable the most popular posts widget that displays blog posts with the highest shares.
Just take a look to your right in our side-bar for an example:
For each blog post or blog page, write unique social media descriptions instead of the excerpt showing. Add a custom image as well. Here is a little peek at this feature.
Truly an amazing plugin that deserves more attention. The plugin does not affect the page speed from what I can tell so far. Visit there support section to read articles on this plugin.
WPOutcast Tip:
- Free Image Optimization Plugin: Winsite Image Optimizer
If this blog post was helpful in any way, consider sharing it online with your friends
Very nice plugin with all the necessary functionalities. I use Monarch plugin on my site and I’m pretty satisfied with it.
I am still using Monarch for the sidebar widgets. This plugin works well with both of them.
Many Social Warfare users usually ignore content protection. What they fail to realize is that many services in the online market can hijack other users’ content and end up losing traffic on your website. At this point, this feature in the Social share plugin comes in handy. To protect your content, you start by enabling the feature called Frame Buster. By doing this, your content will henceforth be safe since such links will automatically be directed to your actual link. Apart from helping you to get accurate metrics, this feature also improves your bounce rate.