Have you ever wanted to know what exactly your blog users are doing when logged into your blog or even paid staff? You know just double-check what is being changed? There are numerous plugins to install to log activity and after going through them all, I have found 6 that you should definitely consider. Giving editors and staff members certain access to features to help maintain your blog is essential, but how can you double/triple check they are not being sneaky? The plugins below will answer your questions and give you piece of mind.
One of the benefits of using these plugins is to determine if someone is trying to hack your admin account, plus so much more. Each plugin has its benefits from one another, so please check each one out and read what features they offer.
6 Plugins For Showing User Activity
The Activity Log plugin is what WPOutcast is currently using. Simple plugin settings and a simple way of seeing what is happening.
Preview of settings:
The items listed below are also great options for logging user activity, it just so happens they are not the one WPoutcast uses. If the plugin above didn’t spike your interest, check out the ones below to find the best fit for your blog.
You can check it out here.
You can check it out here.
You can check it out here.
You can check it out here.
User Activity Log
The User Activity Log is yet another plugin to help view what is actually going on behind the scenes of your blog. If you run an multi-author blog then please have a look at all the plugins on this page. This plugin does a lot and I mean it does a lot. Check out the features below.
This is what get’s monitored.
- WordPress – Core Updates
- Posts – Created, Updated, Deleted
- Pages – Created, Updated, Deleted
- Custom Post Type Posts- Created, Updated, Deleted
- Tags – Created, Edited, Deleted
- Categories – Created, Edited, Deleted
- Taxonomies terms – Created, Edited, Deleted
- Comments – Created, Approved, Unproved, Trashed, Untrashed, Spammed, Unspammed, Deleted
- Media – Uploaded, Edited, Deleted
- Users – Login, Logout, Login has failed, Update profile, Registered and Delete
- Plugins – Activated, Deactivated
- Themes – Installed, Updated, Deleted, Activated
- Widgets – Added to a sidebar / Deleted from a sidebar, Order widgets
- Menus – A menu is being Created, Updated, Deleted
Visit the User Activity Log plugin homepage for more details. There is a uprade option but I’m not upgrading, free option is good enough.
Wrapping Things Up
When running multi-authored blogs and logging user activity is a very smart decision. The same goes with paid staff. If you have no way of knowing what they actually changed, use one of these plugins just to double-check they are working on what you have told them to work on.
- Up Next To Read: WordPress Plugins That Are Powering WPOutcast
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